Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have most of the days to myself, because Leilani works from 9 - 5 at her business internship and Lauren is gone too ... she is interning for "Human Rights Without Frontiers" or something like that, and she has been at a seminar all day yesterday and all day today, at an old castle, where they allegedly "sit around, eat pastries and play get-to-know you games." Not fair.
So, with my time today I took a trip to the Musée Royale des Beaux-Arts in hopes of seeing some Hieronymous Bosch ... no such luck. They only had one and it was a copy, very disappointing.
Though I did see:

"Scènes de la vie de la vierge" by unknown. This is the birth of Mary. I learned that the solemn expression of her mother gives the painting intimacy.

A winter landscape by Bruegel. I learned that this painting represents the uncertainty of existence. Sorry about the bad picture; it was covered with glass.

This one is by Breughel ... that would be son of Breugel, though he kept the original 'h.' I forgot to write down the name of this one. And again, sorry about the bad picture. There were lots of little people and details, I liked this part particularly. Looks like that boy on the right is in pretty big trouble ...

In other news, Leilani made a lovely dinner Sunday night of tortellini with pesto sauce:

It was delicious. Besides this I haven't eaten anything but waffles, pastries, cheese, and fries. Really. This morning I went to a little cafe and ordered a croissant and hot chocolate (4.80 Euro). The woman gave it to me to go, then kicked me out when I tried to sit down at a table to eat.
On my way back from the museum today I stopped by the bakery and the corner store, where I bought myself some lunch (baguette for my Port Salut and a little pie,) and some mushrooms and couscous for dinner. Trying to branch out.

Et voilà.

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