Sunday, April 26, 2009

Preliminary cutural study.

Alright so I read a book called "Au Contraire!: Figuring out the French" with a big rooster on the cover. It was actually great. The French seem to have a more organic approach to life--they think, they consider, they very slowly but carefully go about making decisions and relating to other people. They are private and emotional, though I don't believe in a sentimental way. They highly value intellect, uniqueness, and the ability to cleverly find a way around the rules. They take a "polychronic" approach to work, which is more or less multitasking in an unsystematic way. They don't necessarily believe in extremes, they live in and appreciate the grey area.

The French tend to oppose American commercialism, naive arrogance, overenthusiasm, superficiality, and the way they make quick, seemingly mindless decisions.

I think I can relate to the French way, I am not as easily excited or stimulated by flashy Americana. I like to be slow, careful, and cautious. I prefer deeper connection rather than those superficial, overenthusiastic interactions that you find so often at BYU--though I don't hate it. I can't pretend to not be a product of my own culture. I tend to overly exaggerate, and I am not always careful and calculating with my words. I also tend to touch people's arms while in conversation, apparently this is a big no no. I'm sure I'll really find out who I am once I get there, and see how American I really am.

But notice--I wrote this post in a very French way: antithesis, thesis, synthesis. I wrote different paragraphs at different times, while drinking a diet coke and listening to the conversation in the kitchen: looks like I'm polychronic. I'm also holding intellectual chats over gmail.

Ok. Thanks for reading. 11 more days until departure. I'm going on a roadtrip this Wednesday to my friend Angie's wedding, but that doesn't have much to do with Paris and so I won't expand. See you back soon, looks like its about time to organize, make final plans, and get down to business.


1 comment:

  1. Ingrid, this is fantastic. Can't wait to see more. Have a wondrous time!


    PS: Angie likes your playlist.
